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 n.  〔sing., pl.〕 1.指挥部,司令部,大本营。 2.总署;总局;总店。 3.当局。  detail>>
administration headquarters
行政总部  detail>>
air headquarters
空军司令部  detail>>
ais headquarters
航行情报服务总部  detail>>
allied headquarters
盟军司令部  detail>>
applying to the headquarters
向总部申请  detail>>
army headquarters
集团军司令部 军部 陆军总部  detail>>
association headquarters
协会本部  detail>>
base headquarters
基地司令部  detail>>
battalion headquarters
营部  detail>>
battle headquarters
指挥所  detail>>
bombard the headquarters
炮打司令部――我的一张大字报  detail>>
central headquarters
中央总部  detail>>
cia headquarters
中央情报局总部  detail>>
construction headquarters
工程指挥部  detail>>
economy in headquarters
总部经济  detail>>
established headquarters
固定总部  detail>>